Our Strategies during Covid -19 Pandemic
Prevent Covid-19 by let employees work from home to minimize contact and maintain social distance

Yangon Xpress Logistics uses a wide range of strategies to combat the difficulties faced during the Covid 19 pandemic ranging from:

1. health care safety

2. communication with customer and suppliers

3. offering privileged for customers

4. lowest cost offering

5. differentiating offering 

6. operation cost reduction

7. going online                                                    .

8. improve innovation

9. use more of technology

"First, we let our employees to work from home to minimize contact and maintain social distance, taking prevention and precaution measurement by identifying health and safety practices."

Speech on Covid - 19


Medical Check

YXL also strengthens communication with customers, suppliers, and employees with a more concise messages, updating  schedule and upgrading use of technology. Reaching out customers and confirming orders are in good track and receiving payments less by cash but by banking transfer to avoid contact while at the same time offering them a special privilege to meet their demands in a customized logistics solution. Similarly, with suppliers, the health and safety measures are being practiced while confirming timely delivery goods and services.  Even though Covid 19 has weakened our competition, YXL reinforced customers loyalty and improved the use of technology and empowering employees allowing them to work more remotely and independently.

Health and Safety Program at YXL